International Workshop on Library Automation

International Workshop cum Training Programme on Library Automation (IWTPLA): Emphasizing on digital and audio-visual media

13th to 19th November 2017

Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute, Kolkata is organizing one week International Workshop cum Training Programme on Library Automation (IWTPLA): emphasizing on digital and audio-visual media from 13th to 19th November 2017. The main objectives of the Workshop is to create an awareness amongst academic as well as library professionals on the various digital information service related issues concerning for the contribution of the development of our society by the application of efficient and effective professional skill and practical experiences.

Workshop Theme

The main theme of the workshop is to provide theoretical foundation as well as hands-on training keeping in mind the rapid development of technology in the field of academics and library and information system. The workshop intends to cover the essential concepts and technologies for smooth functioning and building a Smart Library. A true hands-on training will be imparted to all the participants enabling them for installation and running some of the essential open source software in their libraries or information centres.

The main topics to be covered:

• Managing Digital & Audio-Visual Resources in Libraries
• Digitization of film and audio
• Digital Licensing
• Plagiarism detection techniques
• Open source software like Koha, DSpace etc.
• Application of RFID in Library
• Digital repository of audio-visual resources
• Film production in digital environment
• Digital preservation

Target Participants

Librarians, Faculty members of Library and Information Science/other disciplines, Information Specialists,Officers under the Central or State Government or Union Territories, Working professionals having Master degree in any disciplines, Research scholars in the field of Library and Information Science may attend this advanced training programme which will be very effective to run and use modern library. It may also be noted that IT Professionals working in Library are also suitable to attend the courses.

The week-long intensive and advanced workshop cum training courses on Library and Information Science will help to earn-
 API score as per UGC guidelines.
 Promotional requirement as per DoPT Guidelines

The workshop lectures/practical/demonstration will be delivered by the eminent faculty and professionals from reputed institutes/universities/Govt. of India organizations and also from National Digital Library of India, IIT Kharagpur

Important Dates

Description Dates
Workshop date  13-19 November 2017
Early Bird registration  Between 20th September to 06th November 2017
Late Bird registration  up to 09th November 2017

Registration Fees

Category Early Bird registration
Between 20th September to 06th November 2017
Late Bird registration
up to 09th November 2017
Individual  Rs 8000 /-  Rs 10000/-
Sponsored  Rs 12000/-  Rs 14000/-
Individual from SAARC / other countries  US $400  US $450

Workshop participants are restricted to 25 – 30 only on first come first serve basis.

The registration fee includes kit, course materials (Software CD), Breakfast, Lunch. Participants need to register as per the instruction below and send the print-out of registration form along with the DD/ Cheque in favour of Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute payable at Kolkata.

• Accommodation & dinner (to be borne by the participants separately): As per approved rates of SRFTI. For any information and enquiry please contact: Administrative Officer, SRFTI. Phone: +913324329436 Email: and

• On-line Registration: Registration will be done online

Chief Patron: Dr. Debamitra Mitra, Director, Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute, Kolkata
Organising Secretary and Course Coordinator: Dr. Sanjukta Ray Pahari, Library and Information Officer, Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute, Kolkata Email:
For any information and enquiry please contact: Library & Information Officer, SRFTI.
Phone: (Mobile) (0) 9432553297 / (033) 2432-8355/8356/9300 Extn: 327,326,301
Email: /
SRFTI Office: Phone nos. (033) 2432-8355/8356/9300

Conference Venue: Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute,
E.M.Bypass Road, Panchasayar, Kolkata -700094;