Important Instructions to candidates for Admission

The entire Admission Process is divided into two phases.

The first phase comprises of sending the following documents through Speed Post

a) Signed consent letter (Download format)

b) Draft valued at Rs. 51400/- in favour of Satyajit Ray Film &Television Institute, payable at Kolkata

The envelope should be addressed to the Dean, Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute, Panchasayar; E.M. Bypass Road; Kolkata – 700094.

The selected candidates of first list should complete the first phase of their admission by 20th July 2015. The candidate will be provisionally admitted only after completion of the first phase of admission.

The Second phase of admission will start only after the completion of the first phase. In the second phase, the candidates need to submit the following documents at the Tutorial Section in person before the session starts.

c) Medical certificate (Download format)

d) Undertaking from the candidates under reserved category (Download format)

e) Bond (Download format)

f) Candidates who are presently enrolled as students in any institution affiliated to any universities/Institute or working as an  employee in any organization will be required to produce a withdrawal/resignation certificate from the /University/Institution/organization concerned at the time of 2nd phase of admission to SRFTI. A declaration will be required for ‘giving up the profession during the course’ for self employed candidate.

If they are unable to submit the same at the time of 2nd phase of admission, they may apply to the Dean for an extension of time. In any case, students who fail to submit such document will not be allowed to continue after one week of the commencement of the curriculum. Students will not be allowed to engage themselves academically or professionally in any educational / occupational institute or organization during their academic tenure. Candidates who are not students or employees have to give a self declaration of the same.

Provisional admission of the candidates, who fail to submit all the documents at the second phase within the stipulated date, will be cancelled and a selective portion of the fees will be refunded to the candidate.

Those, who are interested in hostel accommodation, may apply to The Registrar along with the consent letter.

The candidates admitted to the first Semester should have at least 60% attendance of total classes held during the first month, failing which his/her studentship will be treated as cancelled without further notice.

The admission process is complete after completion of 2nd phase of admission.

The first phase of admission of the candidates from the first list will be over by 20/07/15. The candidates from the second lists will be considered for admission if any seat remains vacant after the above mentioned date.




  1. Students must take care to keep their respective rooms clean and tidy.
  1. They must not cause any damage to any property of institute and must not tamper with electric installations in their hostels. Any willful damage of Institute property will be charged against the student concerned. Use of unauthorized fans, heaters, electric stoves, A.C., freeze etc. is forbidden.
  1. No outsider or day-scholar or resident of a different hostel will be allowed to visit the boarders outside specified hours to be notified by the Registrar. In particular, no male student is allowed to remain within the premises of girls’ hostels after the 8 pm.
  1. Students desirous of leaving station will be required to apply for leave. All leave applications are to be submitted through the concerned HOD to the Registrar. No student will leave station before the leave prayed for is granted in writing.
  1. Students are required to maintain required minimum percentage of attendance in classes to be eligible to sit for any examination/project/exercises/workshops under the semester or annual system.
  1. Hostel must be vacated within one week of declaration of vacation and after completion his/her work in the final project/examination of the curriculum.
  1. Unauthorized hostel occupancy is strictly prohibited. Students must share the double seated rooms.



  1. Sunday and notified institute holidays visiting hours at the girls hostels will be observed from 8-30 a.m. to 10-00 a.m. and from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
  1. On other days visiting hours will be as specified by the respective controlling officer of the Hostels.
  1. No outsider or day-scholar or resident male student will be allowed to visit girl boarders in the hostels outside the hours as indicated above.
  1. Only such persons as have been approved of by the natural guardians of students at the time of admission will be allowed to visit the boarders of the Girls Hostels at appointed hours as mentioned above except that in case of emergency, special permission may be granted by the Registrar to any person to see the boarder concerned at any time. Visitors are not allowed to visit Girls’ Hostels ordinarily after 8 p.m.
  1. Boarders wishing to call at the house of their local guardians may be permitted to go and stay with their local guardians on institute holidays on production of a letter of request from the local guardian to that effect.
  1. Permission of the Registrar will be required for keeping guests. The Registrar will allow for a particular period only.



  • Student misconduct includes but is not limited to the following:
  • Disruption of classroom activities or hindering the learning of other students anywhere in the institute,
  • Cheating on assignments or examinations,
  • Behaviour which interferes significantly with the normal operation of the institute, disrupts education, challenges the health or safety of staff or students, or damages property of the institute,
  • The possession and/or use of intoxicating beverages on campus,
  • The possession of illicit drugs on the campus,
  • Falsification of documents or the supply of false information in order to obtain admission,
  • The possession of weapons, and
  • The failure to return loaned materials to settle debts with the institute
  • Failure to adhere to the guidelines as above shall invite strict disciplinary action.



  1. A student will be required to attend a minimum of 75% classes in aggregate before he/she is sent up for projects in any of the courses. The classes are inclusive of theory lectures, workshops, practical work and guest lectures.
  1. The detailed rules of attendance shall be made available to the students on getting admission.
  1. Since, these are professional courses the working hours will be far longer than the traditional university disciplines. Students should therefore be prepared to work at odd hours (e.g. in night)on working days and holidays.
  1. If a student is found to be continuously absent from classes for a period of 30 working days, his/her name shall be struck off the rolls without further notification.
  1. Regularity and punctuality is essential for all classes and of individual and group exercises.. Students who absent themselves for whole or part of individual/group exercises will be suitably penalized.
  1. A statement of attendance will be available in the concerned department on request. No individual attendance related notice will be sent to any student.


Performance and Evaluation

  1. The performance of students   will be evaluated  regularly through  internal assignments, competency tests and practical exercises. The procedure  of evaluation may vary due to difference in the nature of the subjects being taught. The detailed rules of evaluation and examination shall be made available to the students on getting admission.
  1. In several courses the students will learn to operate complex and expensive equipment. The freedom to handle the equipment for practical exercises will be contingent on their clearance of competency tests conducted by the faculty.



Students, on authorization by their teachers will be issued various quantities of raw stock depending on the quantum of work they have to do. As this is expensive material, students are expected to use it with care and responsibility. Where work has to be done by groups of students, such material will be issued to a group as a whole and not to any individual student for particular assignment. Individual students or group of students as the case may be, will be accountable to the department’s authorities for proper use of material Issued to them. The quantity of material given to the students for production work will depend on the norms of the exercise(s) /projects as decided by the department. Any loss/damage will be recovered from the student/s.

The department keeps the syllabus of the courses updated. Changes are made keeping in mind the requirements of the profession.

The Authority reserves the right to make changes in any one or more of the provisions of the prospectus as and when necessary.