
The library of Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute, Kolkata was set up in 1997. The library has been primarily designed to meet the requirements of the Institute’s academic programme . It has a formidable collection of books and periodicals on cinema. Sociology, arts, history and critical studies along with specialized titles dealing with the technology of cinema.

At present, the library has a great collection of DVDs ranging from classics to experimental.



LIBRAY HOURS                                                                                            

Library shall remain open on all the days except the National and Gazetted holidays & 2nd Saturday of each month and shall observe the time schedule as given hereunder for users:

Monday to Sunday –                           9.00 AM – 8.00 PM


A need-based collection of knowledge resources is being developed in lines with the objectives and activities of the Institute in mind. Resources includes

Type of document

Total no. (approx)




All the information regarding the holding of the library(including descriptive cataloguing) is available in the existing KOHA database of the Library

Bound Journal and Technical Manual










VHS cassettes


CDs accompanying with books


CDs accompanying with journals


Effects CDs


Updated on 01.12.2012



Daily newspapers




The book collection of the library   consists of books, back-volumes of periodicals, festival proceedings etc. Most of them are kept on open shelves directly accessible to the users, while some are preserved in closed stacks and made available only on request.

These books are kept in different stacks. There are two sections – one is Reference Section and another one is Lending Section. These books are arranged by decimal numbers. Each book is assigned a number from Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system, widely followed in many libraries across globe. This number represents the subject of the book. On the shelves, the books are then arranged according to the numbers which are indicated on the spine of the books. Please consult the computerized catalog to find the availability and location of a book.

Location of Books by subject

Books bearing class number from 001 to 999 are housed at different Stacks in the ground floor of the library.

Display of New Books

In different intervals, new books that were added to our stock, are displayed in the New arrival section. A list of such new additions is displayed on the notice board of the library as well as on this website. The books remain on display for one week after which those can be borrowed.

Reference Books Collection

Reference collection including Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Directories and Handbooks, etc. and some basic books of general nature are available on open shelves in the Ground floor Reading Hall. These are meant for consultation within the Reading Room and must not be taken out by the students.  Only faculty members may borrow the books from Reference Section.

Lending Books Collection

Lending collection including textbooks, film scripts, handbooks fictions, Bengali and Hindi language books etc. and some basic books of general nature are available on open shelves in the Ground floor Reading Hall. Students as well as faculty members may borrow the books from Lending Section.

CD/DVD accompanying books and journals

Many books and journals in our collection are accompanied by learning materials in CD/DVD format. Those accompanying materials are kept separately. The book catalog will indicate whether a book has an accompanying material. To borrow those materials, please contact Users’ Assistance Desk.

Journals, Newspapers, and Magazines

The library subscribes to a large number of journals, magazines and newspapers. All current issues of journals, newspapers, and magazines are displayed in the Reading Hall in the ground floor.

Back volumes of journals, in bound condition, are housed in first floor of the library.



The library has a large collection of databases of audio-visual materials. This collection contains Students diploma films and projects, Classics, Short films, Documentaries and Feature films. Please consult Users’ Assistance Desk for the details.




Photocopy Service Desk (ground floor) of the library is available from 10 AM to 5-30 PM on all working days. Following charges are applicable for different users groups:

Category Charges Remarks
Students, faculty members, officers, and staff of the institute 50 paisa per exposure Please fill up the Photocopy requisition form, in according to the instructions, and submit the same to the Photocopy Service Desk. Forms are also available at the Photocopy Service Desk.(photocopy service is restricted to 300 impressions per month/student)
                                              Official job of the institute Fill up the Requisition slip in prescribed format will be sent to the library through H.O.D. for free of cost
External members Re1/- per exposure



An OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) is an online bibliography of a library collection that is available to the public. Through the OPAC interface users can find the items (Books, & Audio Visual Materials) available in the library and


INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP                                                                      

SRFTI Kolkata has institutional membership with British Council Library  located in the city.


GUIDELINES & RULES                                                                                                       


  • All library materials must be borrowed against borrower’s card;
  • Borrowers are liable for damage and loss of any library materials if any;
  • Borrowers should check the physical condition of a library material while borrowing the same;
  • Please produce the Gate Pass at the Security Counter, when you are taking out a library material;
  • Please leave the Library 20 minutes before the closing time to help the staff to close the Library on time;
  • After consulting a book, please leave the same on the nearby table;
  • Do not smoke inside the library premises. Entire Library building, under the law, is no smoking zone;
  • Do not condone if you find any body is causing damage to library materials. Please report the matter to Users’ Assistance Desk immediately;
  • Do not damage any library materials;
  • Do not file books in the shelves. A misplaced book is a lost book;
  • Do not talk in the silence zone of the library;
  • Do not bring any food with strong odor, inside the library.
  • Our students and faculty members are encouraged not to bring personal books inside the Library
  • Please deposit bags/umbrellas etc. at the Security Counter;



  1.    STUDENT
Entitlement Duration of borrowing
a) 02 books from Lending Section a)14 days (one time renewal for another 14 days)
b)02 CD accompanying with books / journals b)14 days
c)1 bound journal and 1 technical manual OR 02 back issue of journal c) 14 days
d) 04 Sound Effects CD & 1 ACD d) 04 days
  1.  Issue for Hostel
Type of                materials isuse for period of borrowing
04 dvds                            02 vcds                             02 vhs  cassettes Hostel  for over night                        one audio-visual material for one student only audio-visual   materials   within 10 am ( 02PM on SUNDAY ) of the next day failing which library will not issue any DVD or audio-visual materials to his / her  for the next 15 days
  1. 3.    Faculty Members & Staff
Category Entitlement Duration of borrowing
Faculty member & Registrar, SR M (IT & MR) a) 05 books from Reference & Lending Section a)30 days
b) 03audio-visual materials b) 04 days
c) 2 bound journal & 2 back issue of journal c) 30 days
Administrative Staff Officers 04 books 14 days
Other Staff 02 books 07 days
01 VCD or 01 ACD per head twice a week



Type of materials Penalty for late return Penalty for loss of materials
Books and audio-visual materials from general stock Re1/- per day per book after the due date – For members other than studentsRs 2/- per day per audio-visual material – For members other than studentsFifty paisa per day upto 07 days and 8th day onward Re1/- per day – For studentsRe1/- per day per VCD, VHS and Re1/- per ACD (four days after issue) and Rs2/- per day per DVD – For student As decided by the competent authority