Laila-Leela R Kotha

Name :                  Laila-Leela R Kotha Cast & Crew Synopsis
Year : 2015 Director : Lubna Sharmin

Camera : Tania Mukhopadhyay

Edit : Abhishek Bhattacharyya

Sound : Shreejit Gupta

Set in the turbulent times of Partition of Bengal, 1905, Leela and her father escapes the house of the zamindar and the only choice left for them was to seek shelter in Sk.Messar’s house. Messar is a young muslim man from Barisal who once saved Paresh’s life. The Hindu priest decides to marry off her daughter with Sk.Messar who is rechristened as “Laila”. Now will Leela be able to follow her beliefs or will she have to give up everything for this new life? And will her father who has been trying to guard her daughter from their nightmarish past will also be a part of this life? The story explores the theme of love, faith and separation/partition.
Duration : 27:48
Language : Bengali
Format : Film (35mm)