Colour Green

Name :                  Colour Green Cast & Crew Synopsis
Year : 2013 Director : Subhadro Choudhury

Camera : Sunny Lahiri

Edit : Pritha Chakraborty

Sound : Abdul Rajjak

A social thriller about Bijon, a clerk in a government office and Madhuri, an elegant lady and their unsuccessful marriage set in decadent Kolkata. The couple lives in Madhuri’s ancestral house which she inherited. The lonely housewife suffering from depression finds companion in her maid Shyma. A roadside girl Sheema, young, beautiful and attractive, suddenly comes in Bijon’s life to take him on a trance which shakens his marital relationship while Madhuri unknown to the changes continues her life with her maid. But life had different story written for them…
Duration : 27:00
Language : Bengali
Format : Film (35mm)