Admission Process


The admission process consists of the nationally administered Joint Entrance Test (JET), and subsequent rounds of Orientation and Interview. The students are selected on the basis of their JET scores, and performance in the orientation & interviews. Candidates should note that the mere fulfilment of minimum eligibility criteria will not ensure consideration for shortlisting by the institute.

The written test will be of 3 hours for 100 marks. Question papers will be divided into two parts.
Paper I: (Time provision 60 min.)
Part A: Multiple Choice Questions (Single Answer type) 20 marks [on OMR sheet]
Part B: Multiple Select Answer type Questions (MSQs) 30 marks [on OMR sheet]

Paper II: (Time provision 120 min.)
Descriptive Answer type Questions 50 marks.

Paper I (Part A & Part B) of all the eligible appeared candidates will be evaluated. Further, based on the evaluation of Paper I (Part A & Part B), Paper II of only selected nos. of top scoring candidates (based on the respective category) will be evaluated using the following ratio against each seat:

i) Unreserved, OBC_NCL and Gen_EWS: 1:15 (One seat:15 answer-sheets)
ii) SC, ST, Gen_PwD, OBC_NCL_PwD and Gen_EWS_PwD: 1:25 (One seat:25 answer-sheets)
iii) SC_PwD and ST_PwD: 1:35 (One seat: 35 answer-sheets)

On the basis of performances in the written test of JET 2022 – 23 the list of short listed candidates for Orientation Course (OC) and Interview will be announced.


As per the legal requirements, 15% of the seats are reserved for Scheduled Caste (SC), 7.5% for Scheduled Tribe (ST) candidates, 27% of seats for Other Backward Classes candidates belonging to the “Non-Creamy” layer (OBC-NCL), and 5% of total seats are reserved on horizontal basis for Person with Disabilities [PwD], with 40% or more disability, cutting across all sections i.e. SC, ST, OBC Non-Creamy and General category.
1 seat in each specialization are reserved for candidates belonging Economically Weaker Section (EWS)

As defined in The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 (RPwD Act 2016), “person with benchmark disability” means a person with not less than forty percent (40%) of a specified disability where specified disability has not been defined in measurable terms and includes a person with disability where specified disability has been defined in measurable terms, as certified by the certifying authority.

“specified disability” means the disabilities as specified in the Schedule of the RPwD Act 2016. The categories of disability are:

a) blindness and low vision,
b) deaf and hard of hearing,
c) locomotor disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack victims and muscular dystrophy,
d) autism, intellectual disability, specific learning disability and mental illness, and
e) multiple disabilities from amongst persons under clauses (a) to (d).
f) other ‘specified disabilities’ mentioned in ‘The Schedule’ of the RPwD Act 2016.
The candidates suffering from following disabilities are not eligible for the specializations as stated below.

Name of the Specializations
Type of disability


Cinematography (Film & EDM)

Blindness, Low vision, Deaf-Blindness


Sound Recording & Sound Design (Film & EDM)

Hearing Impairment (Deaf and hard of hearing), Deaf-Blindness


Editing (Film & EDM)

Blindness, Low vision, Hearing Impairment (Deaf and hard of hearing)


Animation Cinema

Blindness, Low vision

This year department wise reservation for PwD candidate are as follows:

Nature of disability


Direction and Producing for EDM


Deaf and hard of hearing


Editing for EDM


Autism, intellectual disability, specific learning disability and mental illness


EDM Management


Blindness and low vision




Locomotor disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack victim and muscular dystrophy


Sound Recording & Design


Other ‘specified disabilities’ mentioned in ‘The schedule’ of the RPwD Act 2015


Animation Cinema


Multiple disabilities from amongst persons under clauses (a) to (d).

The candidates belonging to the reserved categories need to also note the eligibility requirements carefully before applying. It should be noted that while it is the endeavor of the Institute that the candidates belonging to SC/ST/PwD/OBC-NCL categories join the programme in proportions mandated by the law, they have to meet the minimum eligibility criteria and a certain minimum level of performance to be considered for the admission process. The candidates should read the updated description of selection process followed by the institute in its prospectus and websites.

No separate intimation will be sent to individual candidates.The list of selected candidates will be published on the website.


Candidates in the selection list must submit an affidavit on a non-judicial court paper at the time of admission.

Candidates who have already been admitted to any institution affiliated to other universities/ working in an organization will be required to produce a withdrawal/resignation/No Objection Certificate from the institution/organization concerned at the time of admission to SRFTI. If they are unable to submit it at the time of admission, they may apply to the Dean for extension of time. Under no circumstances such candidates will be allowed to submit the “withdrawal certificate/ cancellation certificate” after one week of commencement of session. No students are allowed to be engaged academically or professionally to any educational/ occupational institute or organization during the academic tenure.

Provisional admission of the candidates who fail to submit withdrawal certificate/ cancellation certificate within the stipulated date will be cancelled.


  1. Admit Card of the admission test.
  2. All Original Mark-sheets.
  3. Self Attested photocopies of all Mark-sheets and Admit Cards.
  4. Three stamp-size (2X2.5 cm) colour photographs.
  5. Parents’/guardian’s income certificate or any one of the following:

    • Copy of the Income Tax Return
    • Copy of Form 16
    • Copy of the Pay Slip/ Salary Certificate from the employer
    • Income Certificate from local MLA/Councilor
  1. Adhaar Card. In case of non-availability of an Adhaar card, any photo ID card with the postal address of the candidate (e.g., Voter ID card, Driving License, Passport, etc.) will be accepted.
  2. Candidates claiming OBC-NCL status may please note that the OBC certificate, including non-creamy layer status (as per the given format), should have been issued within one year before the closing date of receiving applications.
  3. Candidates claiming PwD reservation should submit the latest certificate in the prescribed form, which should have been issued within six months before the closing date of receiving applications. Otherwise, the PwD certificate should have permanent validity.

Certificates and mark sheets of the successful candidates will be verified at the time of the Interactive Orientation Course and also during admission. Ineligible applicants or those without the original certificates and mark sheets will lose their candidature for IOC/Interview/Admission at any time in the selection process without any notice, even if they qualify in the written examination.

Admit cards, generated on the Institute’s website, will have the postal address of the test centers. A photo ID card along with the admit card(s) of the candidate will be required at the examination center stipulated for the written entrance examination.

Please visit the admission hotlinks on the Institute’s website and read the prospectus carefully for further information.