Administrative Structure
SRFTI is a fully funded autonomous institution under the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, run by a Society constituted by the Government of India. The Society, headed by a President, runs the Institute through a Governing Council (GC), which includes, in addition to the experts in the field of cinema, officials of the Ministry as ex-officio members and representatives of ex-students.
The Governing council is responsible for overall superintendence and management of the Institute. The Society, Governing Council and Standing Finance Committee have officials of the Ministry of I & B as ex-officio members representing the Government.
Academic Council(AC), constituted by GC, consists of domain specialists in addition to Dean and HODs of the Institute and representatives of students and alumni. AC is mandated to oversee all the academic and pedagogy-related issues. Director, Chief Executive Officer of the Institute, acts under the guidance and directions of the GC and assisted by Dean and Registrar for academic and administrative function respectively.
The President of the Institute shall act as the Chairperson of the council
1. The President, to be nominated by the Central Govt.
2. Joint Secretary in the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Govt. of India, dealing with films.
3. CEO, Prasar Bharati or his/her nominee not below the rank of DDG.
4. Additional Secretary & Financial Advisor in the Min. of I&B, Govt. of India or his nominee not below the rank of DS.
5. Managing Director, National Film Development Corporation.
6. Director, FTII, Pune.
7. Three experts nominated in their individual capacity by the Central Govt. to represent the activities of the central Govt. in the fields of Education, Cultural, External Affairs, Science & Technology or Electronics.
8. Five persons of eminence connected with Films, Television, Education, Journalism, Literature, Fine Arts, Dramatics, Performing Arts etc. to be nominated by the Central Govt.
9. Three persons from among the alumni of the Institute or the former Institute to be nominated by the Central Govt.
10. Director, Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute, Kolkata.
11. Such other person as may be nominated by the Central Govt. or as may be co-opted by the Institute in accordance with prior directions of the Central Govt. for such period as the central Govt. may prescribe.
Present Member
Additional Secretary & Financial Advisor
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India
Joint Secretary, Films
Ministry of Information & Broadcasting
Chief Executive Officer
Prasar Bharati (India’s Public Service Broadcaster) New Delhi.
Managing Director
National Film Development Corporation Mumbai.
Film & Television Institute Pune
Governing Council
1. The President of the Institute shall act as the Chairperson of the council
2. Joint Secretary in the Min. of I&B, Govt. of India dealing with films.
3. CEO, Prasar Bharati or his/her nominee not below the rank of DDG.
4. Additional Secretary & Financial Advisor in the Min. of I&B, Govt. of India or his nominee not below the rank of DS.
5. Managing Director, NFDC.
6. Five persons to be elected by the members of the Institute from members referred to in clauses 10, 11 and 12 of sub-regulation (1) of Regulation 3, provided that there will be atleast one member from each mentioned in clauses 10, 11 & 12.
7. Director, FTII
8. Director, Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute, Kolkata, who shall be ex-officio secretary of the council.
Present Member
Additional Secretary & Financial Advisor
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India
Joint Secretary, Films
Ministry of Information & Broadcasting
Chief Executive Officer
Prasar Bharati (India’s Public Service Broadcaster) New Delhi.
Managing Director
National Film Development Corporation Mumbai.
Film & Television Institute Pune
Academic Council
1. Chairman of the Governing Council (Chairperson)
2. Director, SRFTI (Vice Chairman).
3. Dean (Film), SRFTI, (Member).
4. Dean (EDM), SRFTI (Member).
5. Dean (Film), FTII (Member).
6. Dean (TV), FTII (Member).
7. Registrar, SRFTI (Member Secretary).
8. Five(5) External Experts.
9. One Educationist.
10. One Alumni.
11. Two Student representatives.