Citizen Charter

Our Vision

The Institute aims at producing film & television professionals capable of independent creative and innovative work in the field, who would contribute to the Industry directly. Our vision is to endeavor constantly to raise the technical standards of Indian film & television software and to facilitate regular flow of fresh ideas and new technical standards in the fields of cinema & television in India. Our aim is to create a new awareness among the future workforce in films & television on the potentialities of the media.

Our Mission

The Institute, the second of its kind in the country, is a national center offering regular courses in film and television by imparting practical and theoretical training in all major aspects of film and television fields. The Institute confers 3-year/2 year Post Graduate Diploma. The Institute also coordinates the activities of education and skill development in the fields of film & television conception & production. The Institute has also provision for research and exploration studies in sociology, culture and technology of film & television.

2. Details of Business transacted by the organization:

The institute's main activity is to teach students the art and technique of filmmaking.

The institute's specific objectives are enclosed as Annexure A. Most recent Prospectus is also available on this website.

3. Details of Clients/Stakeholders


Students of cinema and electronic and digital media courses, as well as participants in short-term courses, are the Institute's primary clients.


  • Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
  • Governing Council of the SRFTI Society
4. Details of services provided to each client group

The Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute offer twelve full-time postgraduate specialization courses in two wings: the Film Wing and the EDM Wing.

5. Expectations from the client/citizen

The students of Film wing and Electronic and Digital Media wing expect systematic training in the art and craft cinema, television and OTT and education in film production and associated subjects, with an emphasis on the artistic, technical, and entrepreneurial abilities required for success in the film and entertainment industries.

6. Provision for annual review of the Charter and performance audit by outside agency.

The academic activities and other programmes of the Institute are reflected in the Annual Report submitted to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. The Accounts of the Institute are audited by Chartered Accountants appointed on the recommendations of the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India Accounts.

7. The level at which the charter has been approved:

Director SRFTI

Post Graduate Diploma Courses offered:

Name of the course (Film Wing):    Three –Year Post Graduate Programme

Course Duration:    3 (Three) Years

Minimum Qualification:     Graduate or equivalent

Name of the course (EDM Wing):   Two –Year Post Graduate Programme

Course Duration:    2 (Two) Years

Minimum Qualification:     Graduate or equivalent

A. Film Wing

Six Specializations

1. Direction & Screenplay Writing

2. Cinematography

3. Editing

4. Sound Recording & Design

5. Producing for Film & Television

6. Animation Cinema

B. EDM Wing

Six Specializations

1. Electronic and Digital Media Management

2. Writing for Electronic and Digital Media

3. Direction & Producing for Electronic and Digital Media

4. Cinematography for Electronic and Digital Media

5. Editing for Electronic and Digital Media

6. Sound for Electronic and Digital Media

About the Academic Departments



The Direction and Screenplay Writing Department provides theoretical and practical inputs in Film Language and Syntax, Film History, Film Theory, Screenplay Writing and Production Design. The department's teachers engage with students on a one on one level and mentor them through all the stages of their student film projects. The department strives to achieve not only greater technical and craft expertise for the students but also attempts to help them acquire an aesthetic sensibility, a greater understanding of and sensitivity towards societal issues. The students are provided with a supportive environment where they can freely explore the film medium and move towards finding their own unique voice.


The department was incubated and setup under the guidance of Shri Subrata Mitra, the great Indian maestro who pioneered new trends in cinematographic practices. His indelible memory continues to be a guiding light for the department. The department aspires to prove worthy of the benchmarks set by him, both in academics and in the exciting practice of cinematography in today's creative flux. The department strives towards developing cinematography as an area of technical expertise through theoretical and experimental approaches.


The department creates a stimulating and supportive learning environment for students working individually and in groups to ensure that they play determining roles as professionals with creative contribution in a variety of media related vocations. The objective is to endow students with comprehensive theoretical as well as intense hands-on training with state-of-the-art technology used in contemporary professional practices.


Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute is one of the few existing film schools which have been producing seasoned professionals in Sound Recording and Design. Students are trained in location recording, studio recording, film dubbing and sound mixing on state-of-the-art consoles. Students develop a keen ear for their aural environment and learn to appropriate the same for images through location sound recording, audio post-production, and sound design.


The Producing for Film and Television is a perfect combination of business and creativity, where entrepreneurial skills and storytelling expertise are a must. The Creative Producers generate and cultivate projects from the initial idea phase to its completion, with an intense focus on the story but also an understanding of commercial viability.


The Department of Animation Cinema at SRFTI offers a unique learning experience to the student that incorporates a perfect blend of both animation and cinema learning under the same roof. Hence recognizing Animation Art as Cinema, the department has a view in re-inventing its learning pedagogy. It intends and hopes to shift perceptions of animation from "the cartoon" to a form that is an extension of the plastic arts with Cinematic Expression.



The Department of Electronic and Digital Media Management is the discipline that has a mission to create new age content creators in the dynamic entertainment sector. This unique course deals with the principles and practices of Management for Television and OTT. The theoretical pedagogy of this curriculum includes various models and methodologies involved in programming content, marketing, sales, operations, personnel management, finance and issues with the regulatory bodies.


The EDM Writing course, with a liberal and hands-on approach; is geared towards training and prepping students to become professional content creators/ writers/makers in the television industry and for other digital platforms. The main thrust of the course, therefore, is given to the concept of ‘Practice makes perfect'.


The Department of Direction & Producing for Electronic & Digital Media pedagogy which includes theoretical and practical inputs, guest lectures, workshops as well as exercises and projects. Students are taught the grammar of audio visual communication, given an exposure to different genres of both fiction and nonfiction programs for OTT platforms and Television. The theoretical input is supplemented by practical classes where students pick up the necessary skills for both single camera (fiction and nonfiction) and multi-camera production.


Cinematography for Electronic and Digital Media department at SRFTI aims to impart the knowledge of classical learning of cinematography combined with the digital technology of the art. Following the rise of OTT and other digital media platforms, the primary goal of this department is to provide specialized, in-depth knowledge of digital cinematography as well as familiarizing students with the visual art & aesthetics.


The Department of Editing for Electronic & Digital Media imparts extensive and thorough knowledge about the art and technique of Digital Video Editing, keeping abreast of the ever-changing landscape or Digital Post Production Technology. That is why equal exposure is given to fiction, non-fiction, multi-cam exercises as well as a good understanding or computer graphics and the challenges of a modern Post Production Eco System through the diverse Curriculum.


The Department of Sound for Electronic and Digital Media (EDM) conducts the course that includes theoretical and practical inputs. Students are given practical inputs, both on Location based and Studio based with state of the art equipment. Apart from experienced internal faculty inputs, workshops are conducted with external experts from industry.

7. Details of Grievance Redress Mechanism and Access Mechanism

Our Commitment to citizen with grievances

Any citizen not satisfied by any service of the Office of SRFTI or aggrieved by any other action or inaction by the office can seek redress of his or her grievances through the Grievance Officer of the Institute. Every citizen in this situation has the right to know what was done about his or her complaint within 45 days of the date the complaint was received.

Grievance redress mechanism

The address of the Grievance Officer of the Office of Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute is as below:

Library & Information Officer

Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute

E. M. By Pass Road,


Kolkata – 700 094

Phone : (033) 2432-2072

Telefax : (033) 2432-0723

Online submission:

CPGRAMS is the platform based on web technology which primarily aims to enable submission of grievances by the aggrieved citizens from anywhere and anytime (24×7) for speedy and favorable redress of these grievances.

Annexure A

The SRFTI shall for the welfare of the people in general discharge the following functions:-

(1) To develop suitable patterns of teaching in all branches of film and television, both at under-graduate levels, so as to establish high standards of film & television education in India;

(2) To endeavor constantly to raise the technical standards of Indian Films and Television programmes so as to make them aesthetically more satisfying and acceptable;

(3) To facilitate regular in flow of fresh ideas and new techniques in the field of Cinema and Television and a corresponding outflow of trained personnel imbibing these ideas and techniques;

(4) To produce trained man-power both for the growing needs of the film industry and television organizations in India, and particularly to organize the in-service training programme for television personnel;

(5) To create a new awareness among the future workers in film and television of the potentialities of their media not only as means of entertainment but also of education and artistic expression;

(6) To cooperate or collaborate with other national and/or foreign institutes and institutions and organizations in the field of film & television and the performing arts;

(7) To provide for undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in the art and craft of film-making for Cinema and Television and allied subjects;

(8) To provide facilities for and undertake research in various branches of film & television;

(9) To prescribe courses and curricula for both undergraduate and post graduate studies;

(10) To hold examinations and grant such Degrees/Diploma and certificate and other academic distinctions as may be necessary;

(11) To organize refresher courses, summer schools and the like and invite experts and research scholars and from within the country and abroad for delivering lecturers and/or developing research to pay them such remunerations as may be appropriate;

(12) To depute students and members of the staff of the SRFTI to participate in seminars, conferences, workshops, training courses and the like, in India and abroad, through fellowship, scholarships and otherwise;

(13) To print, publish and exhibit any magazine, periodical, monograph poster or films that may be desirable for the promotion of the objectives of the SRFTI;

(14) To assist and associate itself with the efforts of the academic bodies, Governmental/Non-Governmental for the fulfillment of the objects of the SRFTI;

(15) To institute and scholarships, fellowships, monetary assistance and prizes with a view to promoting interest in studies and researching film & television;

(16) To institute and appoint persons to professorships, readerships, lecturerships and posts of any description in accordance with the rules and Bye-laws;

(17) To fix and recover fees and other charges and establish, maintain and manage halls and hostels for the residence of scholars, officers, members of the staff and students of the SRFTI;

(18) To accept grants, subscriptions, donations, gifts, benefactions, bequests and transfers of properties, both movable and immovable, from any Govt. Corporation, Trust or person for the purpose of the SRFTI, provided that no conditions or obligations opposed to the objects of the SRFTI are attached thereto, and in the case of grants and gifts from Foreign Govt., Foreign Organizations or International Organizations, prior approval of Central Govt. is obtained;

(19) To maintain a fund to which shall be credited:-

(a) All money provided by the Central Government;

(b) All fees and other charges received by the SRFTI;

(c) All moneys received by the SRFTI by way of grants, gifts, donations, benefactions, bequests or transfers; and

(d) All moneys received by the SRFTI in any other manner or from any other source.

(20) to deposit all moneys credited to the fund in such banks or to invest the same in such manner as the SRFTI may decide;

(21) to draw, make, accept, endorse and discount cheques, notes or other negotiable instruments and for this purpose to sign, execute and deliver such assurance and deeds as may be necessary for the purpose of the Institute;

(22) to pay out of the funds belonging to the SRFTI or out of any particular part of such funds, the expenses incurred by the SRFTI from time to time for the management and administration of the affairs of the Institute, including all expenses incidental to the formation of the SRFTI, all rent, rates, taxes, outgoings and the salaries of the employees;

(23) to give pensions, gratuities or charitable aid to the teachers, staff and other employees or ex-employees of the SRFTI or to their wives, widows, children or other dependents of such persons;

(24) to make payments towards insurance and to form and contribute to provident and benefit funds of any person employed by the SRFTI or of the wives, widows, children or other dependents of such persons;

(25) to acquire, hold and dispose of property in any manner whatsoever for the purpose of the SRFTI, provided that the prior approval of the Central Government is obtained in the case of disposal of immovable property;

(26) to use any property belonging to the Institute in such a manner as the SRFTI may deem fit for advancing its objects;

(27) to borrow and raise moneys with the prior approval of the Central Government, with or without security, or on the security of any mortgage, charge or hypothecation or pledge over all or any of the immovable properties belonging to the SRFTI or in or any other manner whatever for the purposes of the Institute;

(28) to invest and deal with any moneys of the SRFTI not immediately required for any of its objects in such manner as may be provided by the Constitution of the Institute as may from time to time be determined;

(29) to build, construct and maintain houses, hostels, schools or other buildings and alter, extend, improve, repair, enlarge or modify the same including any existing buildings and to provide and equip the same with light, water, drainage, furniture, fittings, instruments, apparatus and appliances for the use of such buildings in connection with the objects of the SRFTI;

(30) to construct or otherwise acquire, layout, repair, extend, alter, enlarge and improve land, recreation or playgrounds, parks, and other immovable property belonging to or held by the SRFTI;

(31) to constitute committees or sub-committees as it may deem fit to carry out the objects of the SRFTI;

(32) to make rules and regulations for the conduct of the affairs of SRFTI and add, amend, vary or rescind them from time to time;

(33) to do all such lawful acts and things whether incidental to the powers aforesaid or not, as may be necessary or conducive to the attainment of all or any of the objectives of the SRFTI as a centre of research and training.