About the department
Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute is one of the few existing film schools which have been producing seasoned professionals in Sound Recording and Design. Students are trained in on location recording, studio recording, film dubbing and sound mixing on state-of-the-art consoles.Students develop a keen ear for their aural environment and learn to appropriate the same for images through location sound recording, audio post-production , and sound design. The course in Sound Recording and Design includes intense exposure to the Indian film and music industry in the form of numerous workshops conducted by eminent professionals.Course objective
The objective of the first two semesters of the integrated course is to give the students a firm foundation in the theory of sound recording with special emphasis on audio theory. The course assumes knowledge of science only up to the school level. Therefore, significant amount of time is initially given to revision of the basic concepts of physics and mathematics. Students are, in their specialization, progressively exposed to the finer intricacies of acoustics, microphone, loudspeaker, theory of sound recording and other related subjects along with intensive practical modules in music recording, foley recording. sound designing, mixing, and location recording through guided tutoring, practices, workshops and project work. Simultaneously they learn about digital and analog audio theory, multichannel surround formats, and as well as the fundamentals of electronics with greater emphasis on location recording. The journey in the department is further enriched by multilayered skill development and dedicated programme on higher level of applications in planning, designing and execution of fiction narrative for dissertation submission.Faculty & Academic Support Staff
- Studios for mixing, music, recording, dubbing using Pro Tools workstations, multichannel mixing consoles with high end microphones and speakers
- Digital audio workstations for track laying /sound designing using Pro Tools workstations.
- Multitrack portable mixing consoles and recorders including shotgun, and wireless microphones for location recording.
- Classroom with surround sound previewing facility.