Kolkata, 25th June 1975. The Prime Minister has announced the state of emergency in the country whilst a young lad is sleeping cosily in his bedroom, completely oblivious and ignorant about the socio-political strain imminent in the city. For him life is all about studying hard, reading Shakespeare, playing chess with his best and only friend, loving his parents and surreptitiously eyeing a girl he is fond of in his class. The only thing that seems interesting to him apart from jumping over the legs of an old beggar woman, which is a part of his daily routine; is neither attending to a political gathering nor visiting his ailing uncle, but to find the meaning of life. When the political forces around him snatches away his best friend from him he becomes lonely in his own house, and the reality wins over his imagination and he realizes that the meaning of life lies in responding to the situation he is facing and as his best friend used to tell him, his own journey will solve the riddles of his life, some day.