Abhiman Band Party

Still from students' diplma film Abhiman Band Party
Tapas clings to a tacky band party business, acquired from his late father. Tapas hates Monoj (his mother’s lover). Inspite of mother’s dislike towards dogs, Tapas decides to bring home an Alsatian puppy. He confides in Shanti (sister in law) and borrows some money from her to buy the puppy. His visit to Decampo’s house to get the puppy leaves him in a sense of trepidation. Back home, the sudden discovery of the physical proximity between mother and Monoj exacerbates him. Frustrated he flings himself back to his only recluse – Shanti. An unexpected chain of coincidences truncates the futile exuberance to master fate. Tapas lies to Shanti about the accident her husband meets. And both of them are bound by passion and desire. Mother and Monoj decide to marry the next morning at Kalighat on the day of Rashlila. A celebration follows… Tapas shows his contempt… The eternal questions of love, passion and desire get readdressed through the film.
  • Film Name: Abhiman Band Party
  • Film Duration: 32:00 min
  • Film Language: Bengali
  • Batch: 1997 - 2000
  • Course: Postgraduate Diploma in Cinema
  • Award Received: Best Short Film in Bengal Film Journalist Association (BFJA) Award
  • Film Format: Film (35mm)
  • Film Production Year: 2000
  • Production credits:

    Director: Siladitya Sanyal

    Camera: Amal Neerad C.R

    Edit: Basudev Chakraborty

    Sound: Mahua Maitra