
Viewing Information in Various File Formats

The information on this website is available in several formats, including Portable Document Format (PDF), Word, and HTML. To view these documents correctly, your browser must have the necessary plug-ins or software installed. For instance, a PDF reader is required to view documents in PDF format. If your system lacks this software, you can download it for free from the internet. The table below lists the required plug-ins needed to view different file formats.

Compatible Screen Readers


Changing the Text Size

You can change the text size by selecting the accessibility icon on the top header section of the webpage and selecting the text size icons located in the accessibility menu:

Decrease text size: Reduces the text size.

Normal text size: Resets to the default text size.

Increase text size: Increases the text size.

Changing contrast of the page

You can change the contrast by selecting the contrast icons located in the accessibility menu:

Changing Content Language

हिंदी: Click this option from the dropdown menu to view content in Hindi.
English: Click this option from the dropdown menu to view content in English.

Help with the Search Facility

Using the Search Facility
A simple search option is available on the homepage, allowing you to search by content or keyword. More specific search functions are provided on specific pages, enabling searches by keyword, location, title, subject, and more.

Screen Reader Access

This website fully complies with the Guidelines for Indian Government Websites, ensuring accessibility for visitors with visual impairments. The site is compatible with various assistive technologies, including screen readers.

Compatible Screen Readers

Screen Reader Website Free / Commercial
Screen Access For All (SAFA) – Free
Non-Visual Desktop Access (NVDA) NVDA Free
System Access To Go System Access Free
Thunder Thunder Free
WebAnywhere WebAnywhere Free
Hal Hal Commercial
JAWS JAWS Commercial
Supernova Supernova Commercial
Window-Eyes Window-Eyes Commercial

Using the Search Facility

The search facility is located in top header section of all pages. The Basic Search allows you to search the website using a word or phrase in the site title or URL.


Visit the Sitemap page for an overall view of the site’s content. You can also navigate the site by clicking on the links within the Sitemap.


Use the Feedback form to submit your comments, feedback, suggestions, or ideas for improvement to the Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute.

Need Further Help?

If you require additional assistance, please Contact Us.